5×7 inches: Biography of a Source, Source for Prosopography. The Permanent Recorder Cards of Rockefeller-Endowed Organizations 1914-1970. Episode 3.

At what stage were permanent recorder cards created (and stopped to be)?

There is not much about the organizational cogs that presided to the wax and wane of permanent recorder cards. The other records of the different Rockefeller-endowed organizations, including the digitized versions of officers’ diaries, are silent on the topic. And, certainly, the subject does not sound so exciting. Yet, we had to understand this history in order to appraise the major original source for our database. We needed a chronology of when permanent recorder cards were created and updated at the level of each individual recipient and of the different organizations –not as a type of record as explained in the former section. To do so, we had to rely on clues provided by the cards themselves.


Patron of Rockefeller Fellows: İhsan Doğramacı, Academic Entrepreneur and Fellowships Generator  

İhsan Doğramacı was born in 1915 in Erbil (now in the north of Iraq), the son of an important family of Ottoman bureaucrats. He attended the International College of the American University of Beirut until 1932 and then studied medicine at Istanbul University, graduating in 1938. Later that year, thanks to the connections of his uncle Lutfi Kırdar, who was a doctor and the provincial governor of Manisa, he met Dr. Albert Eckstein, a prominent expert in the field of paediatrics and one of the German-Jewish scientists who had found refuge in Turkey in 1935. This was a turn in his career.


Jacques Freymond, historian and actor of Americanization in Switzerland during the Cold War

In 1950, the Rockefeller Foundation awarded a fellowship to Jacques Freymond, a professor of history in Lausanne, Switzerland, in order to visit various universities in the United States. This year abroad represented a turning point in his professional career. In the following years, the professor’s career accelerated, and in 1955 he became director of the prestigious Graduate Institute of International Studies (Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, IUHEI) in Geneva. The rest of his career did not depend solely on this fellowship, but what it gave him facilitated a certain sequence of activities and duties.


Jacques Freymond, historien et acteur de l’américanisation en Suisse durant la guerre froide

En 1950, Jacques Freymond, un professeur d’histoire à Lausanne en Suisse, séjourne dans différentes universités aux États-Unis grâce à une fellowship de la Fondation Rockefeller. Cette année passée à l’étranger représente un moment charnière dans son parcours professionnel. Dans les années qui suivent, la carrière du professeur s’accélère et il prend en 1955 la direction du prestigieux Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales (IUHEI) à Genève. Toute la suite de son parcours ne dépend pas uniquement de cette bourse, mais ce qu’elle lui apporte facilite un certain enchaînement de mandats.


5×7 inches: Biography of a Source, Source for Prosopography. The Permanent Recorder Cards of Rockefeller-Endowed Organizations 1914-1970. Episode 2.

Episode 2: Buff, blue and pink: What’s in a card ?

The permanent recorder cards in the four main sets created by
Rockefeller-endowed organizations all share two characteristics. First, they were produced on cardstock paper measuring five by seven inches. This provided more room for typing than the three-by-five cards typically used in library card catalogues.


Beyond Rockefeller: Restoring Rockefeller Individual Travel Grants in the History of Chinese Overseas Students

The earliest grants in our database were awarded to Chinese individuals in 1914, just one year after the Foundation began to operate in New York. While this was the first set of individual travel grants that the Rockefeller philanthropy granted to China, it was far from the first received by Chinese individuals.


5×7 inches: Biography of a Source, Source for Prosopography. The Permanent Recorder Cards of Rockefeller-Endowed Organizations 1914-1970. Episode 1.

Episode 1: a trip to Buribunkdom

Nota Bene: an initial English version of this text was copy-edited, and considerably improved, by Steven Watt from his office in New Foundland. Remaining errors are due to further uncontrolled addition by the author.

In 1918, a short-lived German literary journal published an anonymous piece titled “Die Buribunken.” It was not the author’s first attempt at writing literature, although he is mainly remembered as a jurist, political theorist, and active proponent of National Socialism—not to mention for how he embodies twentieth-century anti-liberal and authoritarian thought. A parody of academic writing, Carl Schmitt’s text purports to be a study of a society called Buribunkdom.


Olov Fryckstedt och co-finansieringen av American studies i Sverige

År 1968 blev Olov Fryckstedt den första professur i amerikansk litteratur vid Uppsala universitet i Sverige. Finansieringen för lärostolen möjliggjordes genom okoordinerade investeringar av privata stiftelser och statliga organ i Sverige och USA. Professuren var centrerad kring Amerikanska institutet vid Uppsala universitet, ett institut som året 1985 formaliserades som Svenska institutet för nordamerikastudier (SINAS). Mycket av forskningen och undervisningen om USA förlagd till Uppsala universitet än idag.


Olov Fryckstedt and the Co-Funding of American Studies in Sweden

In 1968, Olov Fryckstedt became the first chaired professor of American literature at Uppsala University in Sweden. Funding for this chair was hard-won, made possible through the uncoordinated investments of private foundations and governmental bodies in Sweden and the United States. The professorship was centered around the American Institute at Uppsala University, an informal institute that became formalized as the Swedish Institute for North American Studies in 1985. To this day, much of the research and teaching about the United States is situated at Uppsala University.


Les Trois Soeurs. Rockefeller Foundation Fellows at the Lyon Nursing School from the 1920s-Episode 6: Sister Daudet, or the Great Diversion

This is the sixth and last instalment in a series about the Rockefeller Foundation fellows and travel grantees at the Lyon Nursing School (France) from the 1920s.

The complete essay is available on Scalar, a multimedia,open source, web-based publishing platform created and maintained by the University of Southern California’s Alliance for Networking Visual Culture.